It’s nearly New Year’s. Already, 2025 looms as an even bigger challenge than 2024. But, we won’t know until we live it.
Which is why, this year, for my resolutions, I have a simple, basic goal. I call it the Three C’s to Strive For:
Inner Calm.
Clarity of mind and purpose.
That’s it. I know this will be a constant work in progress. I’m really good at finding lots of things to do to take my mind off what is worrying me. Sometimes this is very productive. Other times, it’s a smokescreen.
How to proceed? I know meditating will help with the first two. Lots of deep breathing. Exercise helps, as well. Limiting my news diet and social media are essential. Writing my novel is essential, too. My acting class, which starts up again mid-January, is a surprising source of focus and clarity.
Courage is a learned skill. My ongoing volunteer work to ensure that our Fair City is able to thrive as it withstands climate change is both a source of uplift as well as an ongoing lesson in how to make a positive difference locally. That’s helped me to become braver in public and to build a team of allies. I hope to keep strengthening those muscles.
Even as I write this, however, I also know that there will be plenty of set-backs and difficulties ahead—but not to let any of that predict what can or will come next.
The only thing that’s real is the moment we’re in. My best wishes to you and your loved ones, Dear Reader, for a healthful, resilient New Year.
Evelyn Herwitz blogs weekly about living fully with chronic disease, the inside of baseballs, turtles and frogs, J.S. Bach, the meaning of life and whatever else she happens to be thinking about at Please view Privacy Policy here.
Image: Oliver Cole