There’s something to be said for persistence. Or maybe just a well-honed habit. Whatever the reason, this is my 600th post on Living With Scleroderma. As of January, I will have been writing this blog for 12 years.
My body has aged and changed since that first post. Most notably, my hands required serious revision surgeries in 2017 and a long recovery. I developed Type II Pulmonary Hypertension in recent years (though I probably have had it, undiagnosed, for much longer). My mind is not as supple as it was when I started this project. My eyes require considerable tending for Sjogren’s dryness. I drop stuff too often. I need more sleep to function. And my hair is certainly grayer. Regardless, the fact that I remain healthy enough to keep writing is a profound blessing.
Here’s what I value about this blog: By giving voice to my experiences with this complex disease, I’ve become much more grounded. I no longer feel embarrassed when someone asks about my odd looking hands or stares at them. I no longer shy from talking about scleroderma with others. I no longer feel ashamed or awkward about it.
The other piece that I value highly: Hearing from you, Dear Reader, and how my weekly musings have helped you in your own life, with or without this disease. That’s the real reason I keep writing.
And so, my best wishes to you and yours for good health and joy this holiday season. That’s something we all need in the coming year. Be well.
Evelyn Herwitz blogs weekly about living fully with chronic disease, the inside of baseballs, turtles and frogs, J.S. Bach, the meaning of life and whatever else she happens to be thinking about at Please view Privacy Policy here.
Image: Daniel Lloyd Blunk-Fernández