It has been pouring, a chilly rain, all day Monday. Fall is definitely here. What amazes me, though, is that I only have one digital ulcer—on my left thumb—that requires a bandage. At this time of year, that’s a minor miracle.
As I’ve written elsewhere, spring is always my worst season for ulcers on my fingers. This summer, however, was a challenge, as well. In the past six months, I have been on antibiotics at least three times, for about a month each time. That’s how long it takes the infection to clear. May was the most challenging month, with multiple fingers competing for attention.
Fortunately, I caught the infections before they became intolerable. One set required two different antibiotics to clear up completely. Perhaps it’s because I just finished the last round of antibiotics only a few weeks ago that my fingers are in better shape right now. Or maybe because I’ve been using medical grade honey to treat them, which both has natural antibiotic properties and also gently debrides dead skin. I was getting concerned about my left thumb, because it appeared that bits of calcium were buried in the ulcer and popping out, impeding its ability to heal. That situation has finally resolved, for now.
Writing about my sole bandaged thumb certainly risks tempting the Ulcer Fiends. They will be back to stage another sneak attack, as is their way. But I hope they’ll give me a break for a few months, at least. Maybe give me time off for meticulous hand care? A pass for layering up with sweaters and hand warmers? A chance to enjoy a little freedom from bandage adhesive? I promise to always use hand sanitizer when I’m out and about and a good skin moisturizer every night.
Are you listening, Ulcer Fiends? Probably not. Until we meet again . . .
Evelyn Herwitz blogs weekly about living fully with chronic disease, the inside of baseballs, turtles and frogs, J.S. Bach, the meaning of life and whatever else she happens to be thinking about at Please view Privacy Policy here.
Image: K. Mitch Hodge
Patrica Lynn Bizzell says
“Medical grade honey”–fascinating. I did not know it existed. I am sorry that you need to know!
Evelyn Herwitz says
Yes,it’s called MediHoney. Awesome stuff!